Verify Biometric

Process of checking customer data that has previously registered with related parties.

Partners will send data to Espay then Espay will respond with JSON format containing the results of the biometric scan.

Flow Message

Merchant -> Espay




Development :
Production :

Parameter Request:
Parameter Name Max Length Mandatory Description
rq_uuid 64 Yes Request identifier. Unique id to identify this message with other messages
rq_datetime 19 Yes Date and time on the Espay application server when the message was sent
sender_id 32 Yes Merchant identity code registered on the Espay app
user_id 64 Yes E-mail registered at Sijitu
organization_id 32 Yes Merchant code registered at Sijitu
nama_lengkap 64 Yes Name to be verified
nomor_identitas 32 Yes KTP number to be verified
address 255 No KTP address to be verified
birth_date 32 Yes Date of birth according to identity in DD-MM-YY format such as (04-Jun-1965)
birth_place 32 Yes Place of birth according to identity
photo_selfie 64 Yes Selfie photo with type .png or .jpeg then convert to base64_encode. the value sent has been formed base64 encode
signature 64 Yes Signature that must be validated by Espay. Click this for details

Parameter Response:
Parameter Name Max Length Mandatory Description
rq_uuid 64 Yes Request identifier. Unique id to identify this message with other messages
rs_datetime 32 Yes Date and time on the Espay application server when the message was sent
error_code 4 Yes Error code in web service, 0000 means success
error_message 32 Yes Error description
nomor_identitas 32 Yes KTP number to be verified
nama_lengkap 64 Yes Name to be verified
verification_name 64 Yes Name to be verified
verification_birthdate 64 Yes Birth date verification result
verification_nik 64 Ya Verification Result of NIK
rate_selfie_photo 64 Yes Verification result of selfie photo
rate_liveness 64 Yes Verification result of Liveness


POST /cdd/sijitu/biometric HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 266 Accept: / Host: rq_uuid=SALDOMUSALDOMU156834234812VKI9SK1M& rq_datetime=2019-09-13+09:39:08&sender_id=SALDOMU& gatot subroto No 15&birth_date=04-Jun-1965&birth_place=Jakarta&photo_selfie=&signature=aaf46a05d4a1cf7a43dfe76fac b784596ac09a84068ba34ab514817deba86e30


{ "rq_uuid": "SALDOMUSALDOMU156834234812VKI9SK1M", "rs_datetime": "2023-09-01 17:47:14", "error_code": "0000", "error_message": "Success", "nomor_identitas": "3511000101806300", "nama_lengkap": "UserGDAA", "verification_name": "Verified", "verification_birthdate": "Verified", "verification_nik": "Verified", "rate_selfie_photo": "Verified", "rate_liveness": "Not Verified" }