Payment Instruction

Inquiry Balance

As is generally the case, Balance means a balance or can also be referred to as the amount contained / available in a container. This Balance feature is used to get the amount available on the client account (available balance Client). This service can only be used if the Client has / has registered and informed his account data to ESPAY.

Development :
Production :

The format of the message sent must be in the form of an encoded URL. Information for each field in the HTTP POST message:

Inquiry Balance Request Data:

Name Field Attribute Mandatory Description
rq_uuid ANS 255 Yes Request Identifier. Unique ID to identify the request message with other message.
Format : Client ID + Unique ID
Ex : CLIENTID123abc-def456
rq_datetime ANS 19 Yes The date and time in the client application server when the massage is sent.
Ex : 2014-12-17 12:30:45
sender_id AN 32 Yes The unique identity of Client applications listed on the ESPay system
signature AN 255 Yes Signature (view Signature Validation)
bank_code AN 5 Yes Bank code
account_number AN 32 No Account number, if not filled then ESPay system executes to default account

Inquiry Balance Response Data:

Name Field Attribute Mandatory Description
rq_uuid ANS 255 Yes Request Identifier. Unique ID to identify the request message with other messages (obtained from request).
Format : Client ID + Unique ID
Ex : CLIENTID123abc-def456
rs_datetime ANS 19 Yes The date and time in the client application server when the message is sent.
Ex : 2014-12-17 12:30:45
error_code ANS 4 Yes Error code
error_message ANS 255 Yes Error description
account_number AN 32 Yes Registered account number
account_name AN 32 Yes Account name
account_currency AN 3 Yes Account currency
account_status AN 5 No Account Status
account_balance NUM 15,2 Yes Available balance
Format: 1000000.00

Sample Request:

POST /b2b/inquiry/balance HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 170 Authorization: Basic Um9tZW86SnVsaWV0 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept: */* rq_uuid=CLIENTIDUUID171214002 &rq_datetime=2017-12-14 15:31:00 &signature=1f5e3532b1f4f17845ae15c2f9a0256249f87f541db42f075be7c07594d7e3f2 &sender_id=CLIENTID &bank_code=008

Sample Response:

{ { "rq_uuid":"CLIENTIDUUID171214002", "rs_datetime":"2017-12-14 15:30:02", "error_code":"0000", "error_message":"Success", "account_number":"90000038726114", "account_name":"PT. Square Gate One", "account_currency":"IDR", "account_status":"1", "account_balance":"11284555229.67" }