Send Invoice and Generate Virtual Account
Description: Partner sends several outstanding invoices. The maximum number of invoices to be sent with this service is 500.
Sender: Espay Partner
Receiver: Espay System
Endpoint Development:
Endpoint Production:
Field Name | Atribut | Mandatory | Description |
rq_uuid | ANS 255 | TRUE | Request Identifier. Unique ID to identify the request message with other messages. E.g.: 123ABC-DEF456 |
rq_datetime | ANS 19 | TRUE | Date and time in client’s application server when the message is sent. Format : YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Ex : 2014-12-17 12:30:45 |
signature | ANS 64 | TRUE | Signature (see Signature Algorithm) |
comm_code | AN 32 | TRUE | Community Code |
ccy | AN 3 | TRUE | Transaction currency |
invoices | JSON | TRUE | Maximum 500 lines of JSON Example: { "INVZSKSK022": { "member_code":"18032018", "member_name":"Arief", "amount":20000, "total_amount":20000, "number_of_installment":"12", "installment_amount":"2000000", "balance_payment_amount":"2000000", "description":"VA Payment Test", "billing_date":"05" }, "INVZSKSK023": { "member_code":"18032019", "member_name":"Sahid", "amount":30000, "total_amount":30000, "number_of_installment":"12", "installment_amount":"3000000", "balance_payment_amount":"3000000", "description":"VA Payment Test", "billing_date":"05" } } Detail: {"doc_no":{"member_code":"18032018","member_name":"Arief (Non mandatory)", "amount":20000,"total_amount":20000"number_of_installment":"12", "installment_amount":"2000000","balance_payment_amount":"2000000 (Non mandatory)","description":"VA Payment Test (Non mandatory)","billing_date":"05"}} |
total_invoices | N 3 | TRUE | Maximum 500 lines of JSON Number of invoice lines must be the same with total_invoices. Example: 500 |
Response Example:
Field Name | Atribut | Mandatory | Description |
rq_uuid | ANS 255 | TRUE | Request Identifier. Unique ID to identify the request message with other messages. Ex : 123ABC-DEF456 |
rs_datetime | ANS 19 | TRUE | Date and time in application server when client’s request is replied. Format : YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Ex : 2014-12-17 12:30:45 |
error_code | AN | TRUE | Error Code |
error_message | ANS | FALSE | Error Description |
invoices | JSON | TRUE | Invoice Description Example: { "INVZSKSK022": { "error_code":"0002", "error_msg":"Data not listed= Document No", "doc_ref_no":"" }, "INVZSKSK023": { "error_code":"0000", "error_msg":"success", "doc_ref_no":"DOC010101", "list_va": { "008": { "bank_code": "008", "va_number": "6280615238775939", "expired": "2018-05-17 14:00:00", "description": "VA Payment Test" }, "009": { "bank_code": "009", "va_number": "8871215238775939", "expired": "2018-05-17 14:00:00", "description": "VA Payment Test" } } } } - 0000 = Success - else = Fail |
invoices_success | JSON | TRUE | Invoice Description Example: { "INVZSKSK022": { "error_code":"0002", "error_msg":"Data not listed = Document No", "doc_ref_no":"" }, "INVZSKSK023": { "error_code":"0000", "error_msg":"success", "doc_ref_no":"DOC010101", "list_va": { "008": { "bank_code": "008", "va_number": "6280615238775939", "expired": "2018-05-17 14:00:00", "description": "VA Payment Test" }, "009": { "bank_code": "009", "va_number": "8871215238775939", "expired": "2018-05-17 14:00:00", "description": "VA Payment Test" } } } } - 0000 = Success - else = Fail |
invoices_error | JSON | TRUE | Invoice Description Example: { "INVZSKSK024" : { "doc_ref_no" : "", "error_code" : "0001", "error_msg" : "Mandatory field left empty = Billing Date" }, "INVZSKSK025" : { "doc_ref_no" : "", "error_code" : "0002", "error_msg" : "Data already listed = Document No" } } |
total_invoice | ANS | TRUE | Total invoices processed |